
1780 S. Bellaire Street, Denver, CO 80222

Dr. Yi Cao


1780 S. Bellaire Street, Denver, CO 80222

Acupuncture for Digestive Issues

As acupuncture addresses healing from a holistic perspective, we see that a healthy digestive system is at the root of all wellness. Our digestive systems is intimately connected to our immune system, and being able to absorb all vital nutrients and eliminate all excess products efficiently is necessary for the health of all the bodies tissues: muscles, nerves, organs, blood and vessels. Through diagnosis an acupuncturist can locate the proper points, on the corresponding meridians and manipulate with acupuncture needles to effectively strengthen and induce balance back into the system.

Acupuncture helps the direction of the digestive energy to flow in the correct direction, It starts from the mouth downward through the entire system and finishes in the anus. If there is a problem in this directional movement which arise with gastric reflux, constipation, nausea, or gastroparesis, acupuncture can redirect the energy through the system in its natural downward direction.

Acupuncture also helps with the functions of absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste. Absorption issues may manifest as anemia, watery or loose bowel movements, and elimination of waste problems may result in constipation, bloating and gas, poor appetite and excessive weight (however excessive weight results from many different factors). Other health complications related to absorption and elimination are arthritis, chronic inflammation, kidney stones, gallstones, and autoimmune disorders. Acupuncture works extremely well for improving digestive function. You will see results almost immediately as your symptoms quickly disappear.  -I.N.M.I. (Institute of Natural Medicine, Ireland)

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